Beverly Hills Dry Cleaning

Architoronto created a modern and efficient layout for a dry cleaner, focusing on maximising functionality while maintaining a welcoming atmosphere. The design incorporates long-lasting and environmentally friendly materials, with an emphasis on clean lines and neutral tones. A streamlined customer service area, convenient drop-off and pick-up stations, and ample storage for equipment and supplies are all part of the space. The design of Architoronto ensures a smooth and pleasant experience for both customers and employees.


A dry cleaning company in Richmond Hill approached Architoronto about modernising and upgrading their facilities. The company desired a clean and efficient space that was also aesthetically pleasing and appealing to their clientele.

Beverly Hills Cleaners

The Architoronto team performed a site analysis to evaluate the existing structure and determine the feasibility of the proposed changes. They then designed a building with modern finishes and materials, such as sustainable flooring and energy-efficient lighting.

The interior architecture team at Architoronto focused on creating an ergonomic and streamlined layout that made the best use of the available space. To improve the customer experience and employee productivity, they incorporated functional design elements such as efficient storage solutions and innovative lighting design.

Beverly Hills Dry Cleaner by Rosani

Architoronto collaborated closely with the dry cleaning company throughout the design process to ensure that the final design met their specific needs and preferences. The end result was a modern and efficient dry cleaning facility that not only met the company’s functional needs but also exceeded their aesthetic and brand identity expectations.

Overall, the project was a success, and the dry cleaning company was extremely pleased with the end result. The newly designed Richmond Hill facility exemplifies Architoronto’s expertise in architectural design, building design, and interior architecture.

Beverly Hills Dry Cleaner by Architoronto